The Behemoth show off strange art for their upcoming Xbox One release “Game 4”


Earlier today during PAX East, Castle Crasher developers The Behemoth, revealed a concept for their upcoming Xbox One game, only known as Game 4.

The only information that was given was a very bizarre picture that featured a spider centaur woman being ridden by a cupcake person…. Hmmm sounds… Umm I’m not sure how to feel about it.

Unfortunately no more information was revealed, but hopefully The Behemoth will give us more details on their next game sometime this year, but until then enjoy, Spider Centaur!


Xbox Bullies Beware: Reputation system on Xbox One getting update


Earlier today Microsoft announced more information on their upcoming changes to the reputation system as well as detailing the punishments that bad behavior will get you.

The reputation meter can be found on your Xbox profile, and if you play a lot of online games you might want to make sure you pay attention to that meter or you can actually lose the ability to use certain features on your console.

The biggest known feature will be the inability to use the Twitch broadcasting feature. Also players with low meters will only be able to play with other bad mannered players, so please be kind or just unplug your headsets.

Starting out the end of this month Microsoft will start giving out their first rounds of warnings, but don’t fear if you have a bad reputation now you will still have some time to work on changing that. Also Microsoft made sure to let everyone know that this new change will not be able to be abused by those trying to get you into trouble.



DLC Downpour: Sea Battles and Skyward Hedgehogs


Hello all you beautiful people out there, today I am going to be trying something new to help bring all the news of upcoming and released DLC in one nice segment I’ll be calling, DLC Downpour.

The first rain drop in our downpour, is the release of the final piece of DLC for Bioshock Infinite, Burial at Sea episode 2. This final chapter in Bioshock’s return to Rapture not only finishes off that story, but finishes off Irrational Games time with the series as the company announced in February of this year that they would be shutting down. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea episode 2 is currently available for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 for $14.99. *Currently Bioshock Infinite is on sale for Xbox 360 for $9.89, and free for Playstation plus members*

Bioshock Infinite

Continuing our water based downloadable’s is the latest expansion for EA’s Battlefield 4, Naval Strike. Battlefield 4 is one game that is no stranger to issues, since its release last year it has been hit with gameplay issues that caused Dice, the games creator, to stop work on other products to keep patching the game till all the problems were dealt with, so it’s not hard to believe that the new expansion has been strike with its own set of problems. Set to release March 25 on all platforms, due to unexpected issues with the PC and Xbox One version the expansions have been delayed. Good news though is that the DLC is now available for all other platforms. Word from EA is that the Naval Strike expansion will be released for the affected platforms in early April.


Closing out things today in downloadable news has been the recently announced Legend of Zelda zone for the 2013 released Sonic Lost World, for the Nintendo Wii U. Releasing tomorrow, March 27, for the low price of free, is the second Nintendo based DLC for the Wii U exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog game, the first piece of free DLC being last year’s release of the Yoshi Islands zone. The free game content seems to throw our furry blue friend in the world of Hyrule, dressed very appropriately in a green tunic, collecting rupees, heart containers, all while battling enemies from the Zelda series. Sonic Lost World’s The Legend of Zelda zone is hitting the Wii U eshop free starting tomorrow.