Game for Gold April 2014: Rumored First Game


Hello all my beautiful friends out there!

Every month since last year Microsoft has been running a program where gold members get two free games each month.

The program going by the title of game for gold, and is Microsoft’s way of competing with Sony’s Playstation Plus free games program.

Now done to business, sources and tweets have revealed that the first game for gold coming out the first of April will be, 2012’s Hitman: Absolution. Of course Microsoft has not announced anything quite yet so take this information with a grain of salt. I will report in as more news comes in.

Rocksteady is done with Arkham


In an interview with IGN, Rocksteady’s Dax Ginn goes into a bit more detail on why Batman: Arkham Knight will be Rocksteady’s last game in the Arkham universe. Though from the interview it seemed that even though this is their last Arkham game it does not mean that it could be the last game Rocksteady does dealing with Batman or any other DC superhero, though only time will tell.

Also Dax goes on to explain that with the addition of a drive-able Batmobile in their newest game it will be the final piece to having a game that truly makes you feel like Batman.

For the full interview click the link:

I will continue to bring more information on Rocksteady’s final Arkham game as news comes in.



Get Dead Space Free Today


Hello all you beautiful people out there! Not much big news today, but there is a nice little deal coming from our friends at EA. Starting today, EA has begun their On the House games deal in which the company will be offering free games as well as expansions. Their first serving of free content is Visceral Games’ Dead Space for the PC.

EA has not given any kind of schedule for this program, only stating that to act as fast as possible, because the deals will be coming and going at any time. Also, once you have claimed the offer it is yours to keep.

Hurry and pick up your free copy of Dead Space today before it is gone. Also keep an eye open for more free content coming in the near future.

For more information on the deal click the link:

Xbox Bullies Beware: Reputation system on Xbox One getting update


Earlier today Microsoft announced more information on their upcoming changes to the reputation system as well as detailing the punishments that bad behavior will get you.

The reputation meter can be found on your Xbox profile, and if you play a lot of online games you might want to make sure you pay attention to that meter or you can actually lose the ability to use certain features on your console.

The biggest known feature will be the inability to use the Twitch broadcasting feature. Also players with low meters will only be able to play with other bad mannered players, so please be kind or just unplug your headsets.

Starting out the end of this month Microsoft will start giving out their first rounds of warnings, but don’t fear if you have a bad reputation now you will still have some time to work on changing that. Also Microsoft made sure to let everyone know that this new change will not be able to be abused by those trying to get you into trouble.



DLC Downpour: Sea Battles and Skyward Hedgehogs


Hello all you beautiful people out there, today I am going to be trying something new to help bring all the news of upcoming and released DLC in one nice segment I’ll be calling, DLC Downpour.

The first rain drop in our downpour, is the release of the final piece of DLC for Bioshock Infinite, Burial at Sea episode 2. This final chapter in Bioshock’s return to Rapture not only finishes off that story, but finishes off Irrational Games time with the series as the company announced in February of this year that they would be shutting down. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea episode 2 is currently available for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 for $14.99. *Currently Bioshock Infinite is on sale for Xbox 360 for $9.89, and free for Playstation plus members*

Bioshock Infinite

Continuing our water based downloadable’s is the latest expansion for EA’s Battlefield 4, Naval Strike. Battlefield 4 is one game that is no stranger to issues, since its release last year it has been hit with gameplay issues that caused Dice, the games creator, to stop work on other products to keep patching the game till all the problems were dealt with, so it’s not hard to believe that the new expansion has been strike with its own set of problems. Set to release March 25 on all platforms, due to unexpected issues with the PC and Xbox One version the expansions have been delayed. Good news though is that the DLC is now available for all other platforms. Word from EA is that the Naval Strike expansion will be released for the affected platforms in early April.


Closing out things today in downloadable news has been the recently announced Legend of Zelda zone for the 2013 released Sonic Lost World, for the Nintendo Wii U. Releasing tomorrow, March 27, for the low price of free, is the second Nintendo based DLC for the Wii U exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog game, the first piece of free DLC being last year’s release of the Yoshi Islands zone. The free game content seems to throw our furry blue friend in the world of Hyrule, dressed very appropriately in a green tunic, collecting rupees, heart containers, all while battling enemies from the Zelda series. Sonic Lost World’s The Legend of Zelda zone is hitting the Wii U eshop free starting tomorrow.


Collectors Edition sold without a game?


One common thing in the video game industry for the past few years has been the adding of a collectors edition set for almost every single new released game. While I’m not going to say I haven’t shelled out a bit more to get a nice unnecessary figure or pack of cards that I wont ever open, it seems that Bethesda is trying something new with one of their collectors editions, not selling it with the game!

With the release of their first Wolfenstein: The New Order game Bethesda is selling a limited to 5,000 quantity run collectors edition called the Panzerhund edition. The collectors edition set is available for pre-order for a hundred dollars and available on the Bethesda store page, the set comes with the standard collectors edition items, a statue of the Panzerhund, a classified documents folder, 14 postcards of different game related art, embroidered patches, dog tags, a steelbox and it all comes in a decent looking footlocker type box.

While all that seems very standard and expected, it just surprises me so much that they would try to sell this product without the game included, even though it seems like the collectors set comes with a steelbox to put the game inside of.

Truthfully I have never played a Wolfenstein game in my life and honestly I might not play New Order when it releases in May, but the idea that Bethesda is selling the collectors edition without the game and to have it ship before the games release makes me a bit worried about the games quality. Though only time will tell, and if you would like to pre-order both Wolfenstein and the Panzerhund Edition just follow the links below.

Full Course Meal: Don’t Starve Review


Don’t Starve is a rogue-like survival game by Mark of the Ninja creators, Klei Entertainment. The game throws you into a dark and dangerous world as the character Wilson, the Gentleman Scientist with one goal in mind; to survive. This game by no means is a new release considering it has been out on other formats for quite a few months, but the main focus of this review will be on the console version released on the PlayStation 4. When you start up the game the first thing you notice is that its interesting art style that blends cute and dark visuals does so in a very pleasing way that is refreshing to see in the age of super realism and the over popularity of the color brown.

Another aspect of the game is that the characters voices are quite literally sounds; what I mean is that a different musical instrument represents each character when they talk about things in the world. As soon as you begin your game you are thrown right into it with no narrative or story. The only bit of interaction between your character and anyone else is from Maxwell, the game’s antagonist taunting you to find food and from then on, you are left all by yourself. No guide, no tutorials, just you and a big dangerous world. So getting into the meat of the gameplay I will just start off by saying that this game is tough and by tough I mean expect to die often. It should also be noted that Don’t Starve’s deaths are permanent, meaning hours and hours of work and exploration are thrown out of the window. Keeping in the tradition of a good rogue-like Don’t Starve’s worlds are also randomly generated, meaning that no player will ever have the same world each time they play, giving a new experience each and every time which also adds on the difficulty of the game.


The biggest factors to your survival are the characters’ food, health and sanity meters; food and health being simple to understand, with the sanity meter being a different monster all together. The sanity meter rises and falls depending on certain factors while you are playing, for example being in the dark as most of the characters will lower their sanity. The same goes for facing off against certain kinds of mob enemies. So a word of advice, make sure you pick a lot of flowers. Strangely enough, though Don’t Starve’s difficulty has to be one of its most gripping features, the fact that you die so often means that each time you start up a new game you can use the experiences from all your past playthroughs and make it even longer through the game. Also, even though the game is challenging and death is permanent that does not mean the game’s difficulty makes it in any way not an enjoyable experience.


One of my biggest complaints about the game though is at times the random nature of the game can be a little unfair and a few of my best runs have ended with deaths happening out of nowhere, random lighting bolts starting forest fires that I couldn’t escape, or freaking hounds; oh, man how I hate those hounds. In the end it has to be said even though those random events can be unfair sometimes, it is the randomness of the game that adds a lot to what makes the game so fun to play. Even after playing through the game for fifty or so hours it never stays the same and always gives the player an interesting world to explore and survive. Besides random worlds and unexpected events one of the biggest elements of the game is its crafting system, which is all divided up into different subjects of crafting.


Pretty much everything you can pick up in the world is something you can craft with, and you’ll need to start crafting very quickly when the game starts. There are simple crafting items, such as torches and tools, but as the days pass you will need to start crafting armor, weapons, farms, magical items and even a pretty dapper top hat, all in the name of survival of course. The best thing about the crafting has to be how the User interface works with it, all the crafting and meters for the character are right on the screen and can easily be accessed with no need to go into any other screens or menus.

Don’t Starve also is not lacking when it comes to content. This game has a lot of things to keep you interested, including unlockable characters that have their own advantages and disadvantages to keep things fresh. Though if just having new characters to play around with isn’t enough like I mentioned before no one generated world is ever the same, so there’s always a lot to explore and find and lets not forget the caves and the ruins, which are in their own right whole different worlds to explore, with their own mobs, and items to find. Caves and ruins add new worlds, but they are not the only other features in the game. If you happen to find the Maxwell Door located in the game world you will be able to access the Adventure Mode, which is the story mode in Don’t Starve. Adventure mode is a set of challenge worlds that Maxwell has set up for you, though I will not spoil any of it for you. I just want to recommend that you spend a lot of time crafting and understanding the world of Don’t Starve before you ever try out the Adventure mode, because Maxwell does not hold anything back in these challenge stages.

Now honestly, I could go on and on about this game, but I think all that really needs to be said at this point is that if you have a PlayStation 4 or a PC, then you need to play this game. Don’t Starve is an extremely enjoyable and refreshingly challenging game that gives you a great world to play in. Don’t Starve is one of the first of many hit indie games that will be hitting the PlayStation Network in the next few months, and if this is a taste of what is to come then let me just say I’m starving for some more.

First of Many!


Hello all you beautiful people out there, I am the Moth Man gamer and I would love to welcome everyone to my blog! My goal is to give honest gaming reviews and the hottest gaming news out there and I hope everyone enjoys the content I give and please feel free to contact me with news, ideas, or even if you want to yell at me, just have fun and lets play some games!

Facebook X Oculus Rift: Ultimate SuperStars


Hello, beautiful people! This is a very late article on this topic but regardless it is a topic that has had the tech world chatting for hours now; Oculus VR, the makers of the Oculus Rift, is now owned by social media giant Facebook.
Now, I think it would be safe to say that many of you out there know what Facebook is. If not, wow, but it would be a safe bet to say that many are unaware of what the Oculus Rift is. The rift is a virtual reality device that has been in development since 2012, being made to use while playing video games as well as other applications. The Oculus Rift is one of the many success stories that have come out of the woodwork of the funding site Kickstarter.
On March 25, 2014 in a Facebook message, Facebook overlord Mark Zuckerberg announced that they have purchased the Oculus Rift maker with a deal that is worth about 2 billion dollars. This would seem to many like a very confusing thing for a company like Facebook to buy but in these days it seems like more and more companies are getting into areas that they usually would never go to. Examples being Amazons reportedly going into the video game maker department.
In the official press release, Zuckerberg spoke up after the purchasing announcement and said and I quote “ Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play and communicate.” So it would seem that the Oculus Rift might be going in a more social and possible everyday used product. Who knows, maybe in five years or so from now we all might be walking around with our own personal VR devices.

Though only the future knows what this means for both parties, all we do know now is that Facebook will continue Oculus VR to continue with their current goals, hopefully with more funding and resources at their disposal.